AS WE LOOK ahead to the coming parliamentary year, it's clear that Scotland is at a crucial juncture.

The challenges we face - rising living costs, climate change and the ongoing impact of Brexit - are significant. With the right policies and determination, we can build a Scotland that is stronger, fairer and more resilient than before.

The Scottish Government's 2024/25 Programme for Government is a step in the right direction. Against the most challenging financial backdrop since devolution, due to Labour austerity, the programme sets out clear actions to deliver real change to all Scots.

The First Minister made his main priority clear: to eradicate child poverty. This is one of the most pressing issues facing Scots today. Households across the country are struggling with skyrocketing energy bills and rising food prices. The Scottish Government are committed to easing this burden on families.

The Scottish Government believe every child deserves the best start in life, no matter their family’s financial situation. This is why they will invest almost £1 billion a year to fund 1,140 hours of high-quality early learning and childcare, saving families up to £5,500 per child, in addition to the Scottish Child Payment that continues to lift tens of thousands of children out of poverty.

Fourteen years of Tory austerity and a future of Labour austerity, alongside the pandemic, have undoubtedly influenced our public services. However, the Programme for Government details the Scottish Government's commitment to improving them, continuing to work to establish a National Care Service to ensure we can all receive the care we need, and delivering record pay deals for our NHS staff.

The 2024/25 Programme for Government is ambitious but it is also achievable. It is a plan that builds on Scotland’s strengths, addresses our challenges head-on, and sets us on a path to a brighter future. I am committed to working tirelessly to deliver on these promises and to ensure that Scotland remains a place of opportunity, fairness and hope for all.

Let’s move Scotland forward together and build the Scotland we know is possible.