ONE thing that has been very clear during the 18 months I have now spent, firstly as a candidate and subsequently as the MP for our area, is the wealth of outstanding local charities and community groups that operate across the county.

They provide a vast range of vital services and support for individuals, families and communities, especially for some of the most vulnerable in society.

I visited one of these important local groups, Home-Start East Lothian, with Martin Whitfield MSP last week to hear more about its work with local families.

Becoming a parent for the first time is one of the most daunting and challenging experiences anyone goes through, regardless of background, income or age. The one-to-one, personalised support Home-Start offers makes a significant difference to the lives of the families involved.

One request the charity made during the visit was for us to help promote its search for new volunteers. The main qualification for volunteers is to be a parent or have parenting experience. Volunteers are matched with a family and visit them at home for around two to three hours a week.

If you are looking for a volunteering opportunity and think this might be a good fit, please visit for more information.

Another highly respected local organisation Martin and I visited this week is Cockenzie-based Heavy Sound CIC. This innovative social enterprise was established in 2015 to help support young people and adults who experience life feeling disconnected and unable to engage.

It uses music, martial arts, cycling and bike maintenance, and various other resources to connect with people and achieve great results. It also provides a mentoring service and conducts a significant amount of outreach work, utilising its 40ft single-decker bus, The Crib.

East Lothian is fortunate in having so many of these exceptional local charities and groups, and I will always do my utmost to support and promote them.