WITH the end of the summer holidays, I hope all our local pupils returning to school have settled in well and have enjoyed their time off.

Congratulations to all those who received the exam results that they wanted.

For those that were disappointed with what they received, please remember that there is no wrong path you can take and there are many excellent opportunities out there.

College places and apprenticeships can be a great start to a career, and it’s vitally important that the Scottish Government properly funds Scotland’s colleges.

There is lots of information available on the Developing Young Workforce website, dyw.scot

I am also pleased that the Scottish Government has recently announced revised guidance on the use of mobile phones in schools. Ministers will support headteachers who want to completely ban mobile phones, and this is something I've been pushing for and therefore warmly welcome.

On a different note, I am very disappointed, and frankly angered, by the recent spate of vandalism across East Lothian.

Public and private property is being targeted by small groups intent on causing damage for no reason other than their own perverse pleasure.

Thuggery and anti-social behaviour of any kind has no place in East Lothian, with vandalism particularly causing unnecessary distress and expense to individuals, businesses and the public purse.

Sometimes, groups of young people are using their free access to the bus network to move around the county and beyond to cause problems.

I will keep pushing the Scottish Government to look at how the free bus pass for under-22s operates to address this unpleasant issue.