WE ARE just six weeks into the new Labour Government, of which as Lothian East’s MP I am proud to be a member, but already we are beginning to deliver on the important commitments outlined in our election manifesto.

We have started to establish GB Energy, taken the first steps on delivering a genuine living wage, and set out a new direction of travel on our public services.

Work is also under way on implementing our New Deal for Working People, a taskforce on tackling child poverty has been created, and plans for more social housing announced.

One of the most challenging announcements made so far, however, was by Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, regarding the £22 billion black hole in the UK’s public finances left by the previous Tory Government. During the election campaign, Labour’s first pledge was to deliver economic stability. This is vital because, without it, we will not be able to bring about the change our country so badly needs.

This does mean, however, that we face some very difficult decisions. One of those is on winter fuel payments. Several constituents have contacted me about this issue, and I do understand the concerns that they and others have expressed. However, given the state of the public finances, we will have to prioritise making fairer choices than the previous Government.

Finally, following the shocking events we have witnessed in communities elsewhere in the UK over the last couple of weeks, I want to reaffirm to East Lothian Courier readers my unwavering support for the UK being a safe, open, welcoming and tolerant place.

Hate and division have no place here in East Lothian or anywhere else on these islands. As the MP for Lothian East, I will always stand against racism and intolerance, and will continue to oppose politicians who seek to exploit the challenges we face as a country rather than address them.