‘GOAT’ is the slang acronym being bandied around the Olympic champions: ‘Greatest Of All Time’.

It is entertaining to watch the athletes and admire their passion and talent, but I confess, I do so from the comfort of my settee. That’s as athletic as I get.

I identify more with The Foraging Goat, the new deli that has sprouted from nowhere on Haddington High Street. It’s a great concept. Small and eclectic, I never know what I will find when I pop in, but it is invariably the best quality.

A forager, an individual who ‘searches widely for food and provisions’, describes me to a tee. I cook every day and love searching out the best food and ingredients. Old school, I shop little and often, and don’t decide what to cook till I have been out and about.

Like any forager, I have special spots where I know I can rely on finding the freshest exciting eats. The Phantassie organic fruit and veg stall is conveniently hidden at the side of my favourite baker in East Linton, Bostock’s. An Instagram post announces a landing from East Coast Langoustines. Fresh eggs from Gosford Farm Shop sell out almost as fast as they are laid.

East Lothian is blessed with an abundance of food producers and shops that are at the top of their game. As with all foraging, you need to do some leg work. Research, experience and word of mouth helps, it takes time to suss out where the best food is but, believe me, it’s well worth the effort.

It would be a pity if our visitors and tourists who come from all over the country leave without experiencing the best we have to offer. Too easily, they may be tempted by the convenience of familiar supermarkets and food brands, and miss out on a truly first-class experience.

I would advise them, and you, to forage and research our excellent food suppliers and farm shops.

Believe me, East Lothian is ‘GOAT’!