WHILE the Scottish Parliament is in recess, I’m working on a number of areas of interest to constituents while preparing for my summer surgery tour.

I’m engaged on a number of key local issues, but two jump to mind that it would be good to update you on.

The first relates to plans to reduce the speed limit on the old A1 – the A199 – to 40mph to make way for more active travel corridors.

While we all want to see more people cycling, many of you have been in touch over the course of the year expressing concern at the increased journey times that this speed limit reduction will have. Some fear it could provoke reckless driving of the sort which occurs on extended periods of speed-controlled roads.

The A199 is essential for many residents, providing a key route for work, school and other daily activities.

Meanwhile, Police Scotland have confirmed that speed cameras have been switched off across Scotland as part of a programme to see whether they make any difference. I’m sceptical that this is a good move, but we’ll wait and see what the evidence says.

Regardless of this pilot, I do think we should look closely at a blanket reduction in the speed limit along the A199, perhaps lowering it only in areas where people live or where pedestrians regularly cross.

Another pressing issue is the number of trains being cancelled by ScotRail, which has caused significant disruption to the North Berwick line. The SNP assured us that the nationalisation of ScotRail would improve services, but I and many of my constituents are seeing little evidence of this. Later this week, I have a meeting with rail bosses where I intend to convey the mounting frustration of local residents who rely on the trains.

I’ll report back on this and other issues in my next column.