THE boys from the Scotland squad, the Tartan Army, indeed the whole country, woke up to a feeling of disappointment and apathy.

What was that all about? Was all the hype worth it? Will our luck ever change?

Unfortunately, this just may be a dry run for the same feeling we are all going to have to face again soon.

On Friday, July 5, I suspect the country will wake up and feel as bad. No matter which party wins the election, no matter who our new local politician will be, we may have a feeling of déjà vu. Here we go again. What was all that about?

What will happen after the election and our new government gain power? Will they deliver their mandate? Do they ever?

Politicians, when it comes down to it, could be seen as no more than sleek salespeople. Political parties invest time and money in analysing what different parts of the country need, what the outside forces are and what story they can spin to win our vote.

They will need to counteract the lack of trust that has arisen with a record of incompetence and blatant dishonesty.

Through it all, normal working people will still have to try to make a living for themselves and their families. Schoolchildren and students will still have to try and pass exams. Doctors will still have to heal. Footballers will still have to score.

Whatever policies are put in place, there are always winners and losers.

But, as we cast our vote, let’s keep the dream alive. Maybe this time we’ll have a strong, focused government with a balanced view, and our situation will improve.

Let’s hope we are not left, like the football supporters, feeling disillusioned and suckered.