IT’S been an honour and a privilege to represent East Lothian since 2019; however, I will not be seeking re-election in the election now looming.

It’s appropriate I express my gratitude for service and assistance given in dealing with constituency issues not just by my own staff but by others, especially council officials and other agencies. Their advice and assistance have been vital in being able to assist constituents as best we can.

East Lothian faces challenges but also has huge opportunities. It is blessed with vibrant communities, as was shown during Covid. Again, I’m grateful for the individuals and organisations who made both my role easier and life better for so many.

READ MORE: Kenny MacAskill not standing for re-election in East Lothian

From foodbanks through advice agencies and community councils to churches and voluntary groups, they remain at the heart of our community. Many have experienced difficulties themselves, whether in finance or members. But they have persevered and their commitment is fundamental to the wellbeing of the community. It’s been a pleasure to engage with so many of all ages. A recent meeting with a local youth group was both informative and inspiring. It has indeed been a pleasure to serve.

Although I’ll not be standing, my party will be contesting the seat and I look forward to giving my support to a candidate I believe will be well known in these parts.

Although my involvement in East Lothian political life may be coming to an end, my activity in politics continues.

I will be seeking nomination from my party in another area in Scotland where the spotlight is on preserving Scotland’s industrial and manufacturing base.

Even in East Lothian, we’re seeing the demise of old industries as coal and nuclear power stations end. Yet the bounty of renewables that we see on and offshore isn’t seeing revenue coming, jobs being created or even industries locating. Both here and across Scotland, we require a manufacturing and industrial base. We need to benefit from our natural resources.