Cockenzie & Port Seton Community Council (CPSCC) works tirelessly to fulfil its statutory role, which is that the purpose of a community council shall be “to ascertain, co-ordinate and express to the local authorities for its area, and to public authorities, the views of the community which it represents, in relation to matters for which those authorities are responsible, and to take such action in the interests of that community as appears to it to be expedient and practicable”.

It is to be expected that representations of the community may not always be adopted by East Lothian Council (ELC). CPSCC had always believed that it was a respected and welcomed partner.

That has not recently been the case – our most recent concerns about the health, safety and welfare of our community, the future of local wildlife, and the significance of biodiversity has been blatantly disregarded without any public consultation.

Despite more than 600 signatures opposing the removal of the bunds at the coal plant at Cockenzie, a decision has been taken to go ahead, without any further interaction or consultation with local people or the CC.

We believe that the works being proposed are unnecessary, damaging and will potentially reduce the options for development of the site, employment uses and will further delay those uses coming forward.

ELC acknowledge in writing that communities were not consulted at the time of bringing forward this proposal and applying for Levelling Up funding.

When the CC learned of it, we were not supportive. Our firm belief is that applications for Levelling Up funds should be for projects which fit with the stated aims of East Lothian Council and its communities’ aspirations.

A body with statutory responsibilities that is just blatantly ignored is a symbol of an unhealthy relationship. In fact, it’s untenable. Democratic accountability is not ‘nice to have’ in the modern world but is essential to legitimise ELC’s decisions. CPSCC will not give up.

This application is subject to review by Scottish Ministers. By working positively alongside the communities bordering the Cockenzie site, we are more empowered than ever to address the yawning democratic deficit which has characterised ELC since at least 2016.

The community council is calling for the resignation of all of our locally elected representatives, who have failed to recognise our concerns and represent our local communities.

We will be writing to them in the coming days. Community councillors of Cockenzie & Port Seton Community Council