I was pleasantly surprised to open last week’s Courier and see a picture of my family in North Berwick in the early 1890s (see image right, courtesy of East Lothian Archives and Museums).

My great grandfather moved to Tantallon Terrace in 1889 and the house has been in the family ever since. I was born and brought up in North Berwick and am now the fourth generation to live on Tantallon Terrace.

Your article rightly says that my great uncle, Dr James S Richardson, founded the museum. He was also in charge of the excavation of St Andrew’s Auld Kirk at the harbour and, most poignantly, designed the North Berwick War Memorial knowing that his younger brother, Arthur, would be one of the names on it, having been killed at the Battle of Loos in 1915. Dr Richardson was granted the Freedom of North Berwick in 1967.

I sincerely hope that the Richardson family’s association with North Berwick continues long into the future. Where better to live?

Ross Richardson

Tantallon Terrace

North Berwick