ONE of the big issues concerning local people in Musselburgh is the proposal for a flood protection scheme.

Almost everyone agrees Musselburgh is at risk of flooding. Climate change is real and we are already seeing its effects: the risk of a devastating flood is increasing. Additionally, the sea wall at the Lagoons requires reinforcement to prevent an environmental catastrophe, as it holds back ash from the old power station. So the need for action is real.

Over the election campaign, I knocked on thousands of doors in Musselburgh and had hundreds of conversations about the local issues that matter to people. It gave me a fascinating insight into the views of local people.

Lots of people are worried about a potential flood and are keen to see a flood scheme put in place to protect the town. Others have concerns about the proposed scheme. Their concerns come in two groups.

Some people are concerned about the mechanics of the scheme itself. The proposed flood scheme involves concrete walls. Some people want to see more nature-based solutions. Others are concerned it will be ugly.

The second group is concerned about local democracy. They are worried their voice isn’t being listened to, and that the plan hasn’t been sufficiently explained to local people.

As the local MP, I myself have a third concern. I am worried about the overall cost of the scheme to the taxpayer. The Tory and SNP Governments have been poor managers of our national finances, and we must be rigorous in ensuring public money is spent properly.

Currently, the team in charge of the flood scheme is dealing with local people’s objections. I understand the council will be in touch with everyone who submitted an objection.

The flood scheme is one of the most important issues facing the town – and it is one of my priorities. I have met with the council and the residents’ flood protection action group. I am closely scrutinising the process to ensure we get the best outcome for Musselburgh.

I’m keen to hear the views of local people on this important issue. Please get in touch to share your views and experiences. And I will keep you updated on my work on this in this column.