THE Westminster election has undeniably been a disappointing result for the SNP and for many independence supporters.

Despite a positive campaign and tireless efforts from my Westminster colleagues, party staff, members and activists, the results did not meet our expectations.

This is a moment for reflection across the party to renew confidence and improve the lives of Scots.

This election took place during a difficult political landscape, with issues such as the cost of living, austerity, funding for public services and an opportunity to kick the Tories out of office.

These crucial matters impact the daily lives of Scots, and the result spells out that our message must resonate more deeply with the concerns of the everyday public.

Of course, the election being held during the Scottish summer holidays brought its own complications for many Scots, who did not receive their postal ballot paper in time.

I am, however, glad to note that the Electoral Commission are now planning a full review that will inform the delivery of future elections.

We must use this setback as an opportunity to look inward.

This election is a wake-up call to re-evaluate our strategies and policies. It is imperative that we listen to the public, sell the positive vision for independence, and address their concerns in the Scottish Parliament.

Our commitment to economic growth, environmental stability and social justice must be communicated effectively and clearly.

I am as glad as many across Scotland to see the Tories out of government, and I hope it will lead to a better working relationship between the UK and Scottish Governments.

This improvement will be paramount in tackling the issues impacting the country.

I trust our talented SNP MPs will work hard for Scotland and ensure Labour deliver on their promises.

This election did not yield the results we had hoped for and it must serve as a call to action for the party.

I will continue to work with colleagues in the Scottish Parliament to deliver for the people of Scotland.