This is a thank you to the people who helped my husband and I just outside Haddington’s Neilson Park on the evening of Monday, July 22, and to the A&E team at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

We were out for a walk when I tripped and fell. Due to the position of the speed bumps, my face hit the road at the same time as my hands and knees. My glasses smashed into my nose, so there was a fair bit of blood.

The first kind person came running when she saw me go down. She helped my husband get me back up on my feet. She also called to two kind girls coming up the road, asking if they had any handkerchiefs to mop the blood. They had a cotton pad for makeup removal that did a great job of staunching the bleeding.

The fourth kind person offered to drive us home, dismissing my concerns that I might bleed in his car. Due to the large lump on my head and deep cuts to my face, our only option was going to A&E.

The team at the Royal Infirmary were brilliant: patching me up, checking I was safe to go home, and dispatching me with advice on monitoring concussion and wounds – all of this with care and kindness.

Over the next couple of weeks, the folks of Haddington may see a grey-haired woman with bruises, cuts and what look like becoming two spectacular black eyes.

Please do not be alarmed and don’t worry about me; I’m doing grand. Instead, please think of the kindness of strangers that came to our aid and join us in thanking them all.

Sharon and Gavin Boyd

John Brown Court
