INSPECTORS were full of praise following a recent visit to a childminding service in Port Seton.

Donaldson, Collette and John Child Minding, based on Elcho Place, was awarded a 'good' rating for every category it was assessed on during an unannounced visit from the Care Inspectorate on July 23. 

To asses the childminding service, two inspectors spoke to three children using the service, reviewed online questionnaire feedback from eight families, spoke with the childminder, observed practice and children's experiences, and reviewed documents. 

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The audit was carried out between 10.30am and 1.30pm on the day of the inspection. 

In the report, which has now been published, they noted that: "Children's needs were met through nurturing and responsive interactions, which helped children feel loved, safe and secure.

"Children had fun and could choose from a range of toys and resources that were appropriate to their age and developmental stage.

"Children enjoyed playing outside in the garden and this supported them to be active and healthy.

"Further work could be carried out to ensure that paperwork and development of systems was having an impact on outcomes for children.

"The childminder and assistants should continue to access training opportunities to ensure their practice is in line with current legislation, frameworks and best practice guidance."

The full report is available on the Care Inspectorate website.