HARD-WORKING volunteers have been recognised for their efforts over the last 12 months.

Dunbar Community Council has been involved in a number of schemes throughout the town, ranging from Civic Week and festive celebrations to monitoring planning applications and anti-social behaviour.

The group welcomed new additions in Stuart Cameron and Rena Keller, who were praised for their efforts.

Mr Cameron represents the group at community and police partnership (CAPP) meetings and he has been joined by Ms Keller in liaising with Dunbar Grammar School.

Ms Keller was also praised for her work on the Book Barn Project and the community picnic, which took place in Lauderdale Park.

Pippa Swan, chairwoman of the community council, thanked members for their work during the group’s AGM last month.

Recognition was given to Graham Adams, vice-chairman, for his work with the town’s Christmas lights committee.

She said: “He and his team meet every week throughout the year to plan and manage the summer bunting, the winter lights and the Christmas lights, all of which are Dunbar Community Council projects.

“It is a massive commitment from all the volunteers as they handle the multitude of complex technical, event and fundraising tasks that are needed to keep the displays safe and perennially attractive.

“Enormous thanks go to the small army of extras who sign up to help as the displays are mounted and then taken down throughout the year.”

Sanchita Patjoshi was also recognised for her work in organising Dunbar Civic Week, which also features the community council’s annual awards ceremony.

The community council also provides funding to various groups from throughout the town, while Alasdair Swan, treasurer of the group, presents the applications.

The efforts of Jacquie Bell, who represented the community council on Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership (DELAP); Kevin Searle, who was described as “our guiding voice on building matters”; and Pam Shields, who has taken on the community resilience lead, were also recognised.

Similarly, Stephen Bunyan and Gill Wilson were also praised for their knowledge of the area.

Mrs Swan added: “It is a privilege to have led Dunbar Community Council for the past six years and I thank you all most sincerely for all that you do.”