A WIND farm visible from East Lothian’s coastline is now generating power into the National Grid.

The significant milestone at Neart na Gaoithe (NnG), 30km from Torness, near Dunbar, is the latest step towards helping Scotland and the UK move towards achieving net zero emissions targets.

When complete, the 54-turbine offshore wind farm will be capable of generating up to 450MW of electricity, enough to power about 375,000 homes.

NnG, which is owned by EDF Renewables UK and ESB, is expected to be completed and fully commissioned by summer next year.

Over the coming months, all 54 turbines will be commissioned.

READ MORE: Neart na Gaoithe: Milestone reached as first turbine in place

Matthias Haag, NnG project director, said: “This is great for the project and is a positive step in achieving the country’s net-zero targets.

“We have worked closely with the local communities and we thank them for their patience as we’ve progressed towards this milestone.

“This is the beginning of a new chapter in the life story of NnG as we work to completion.”

Other key milestones have included the completion of all drilling and the installation of 54 foundation jackets, and the installation of three substations, two offshore and one onshore, at Crystal Rig wind farm in the Lammermuir Hills.

Paul Lennon, head of offshore wind and hydrogen at ESB, added: “NnG is an important project for ESB and we welcome the much-anticipated export of first power from the project.

“We look forward to the wind farm becoming fully operational next year.

“It will contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions from UK electricity generation, play an important part in the economy of the east coast of Scotland and in turn help deliver on ESB’s net-zero ambitions.”

NnG has also brought benefits to many local communities in the east of Scotland.

Twenty-four community projects have been supported, including youth football in Dunbar.