A FIREWORKS display remains “on the agenda” for Haddington – despite confirmation that the event will not take place this year.

The annual display has been organised in recent years by Lorraine Dickson and Betty Gibson.

However, it was confirmed earlier this month that this year’s display would not go ahead “due to unforeseen circumstances”.

Councillor George McGuire, who heads up the town’s events group, confirmed that the display could return next year.

He said: “It is still on the agenda; it is not off the agenda.”

READ MORE: Haddington fireworks display likely to be shelved for 2024

The Haddington and Lammermuir ward member also noted that the public attitude towards fireworks displays had changed in recent years.

Concerns about how the noises and flashes of light impact animals and people who served in combat have been expressed.

Mr McGuire added: “Fireworks are very much frowned upon by a lot of people.”

Last year’s event, off Whittingehame Drive, was the first in four years after it was sidelined by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thousands of pounds were raised at the event each year, with the funding going into covering the following year’s display.