Additional security measures have been introduced to combat youths causing trouble and abusing staff.

A post on the Port Seton Centre's Facebook page on Wednesday said that "in the past week" there had been "an increase in anti-social behaviour including threatening behaviour towards staff and damage to property."

Due to the incidents, steps are being taken to try and make the community centre a safer palce for staff and users. 

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The centre's front doors will be locked after school hours and access to the centre will be provided by centre staff for groups/ activities. 

Also, children and young people not accompanied by an adult will not be allowed to access the café area or wait in the reception area unless waiting to join an activity or group.

A spokesperson for East Lothian Council said:  “It’s unfortunate that a small number of young people have been causing some issues at the Port Seton Centre and measures have been put in place to try and prevent a recurrence.

"In addition, we have been liaising with local police and our community protection team to ensure more scrutiny at this location as well as our youth workers continuing to engage with young people in a positive way to talk about the affect poor behaviour can have in our communities.

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"Our school pupils are regularly reminded that verbal abuse of any council staff will be dealt with in line with council policies.

"Schools also work closely with local police and council teams to address any issues.”

Jackie Muller, secretary of Cockenzie and Port Seton Community Council, said: "We believe that it is appalling that staff have to suffer such anti-social behaviour towards them. 

"However, we believe that it is time for East Lothian Council to step up to their responsibility to ensure that the centre is properly and safely staffed.

"Young people should have facilities that they can attend for leisure; we appreciate the hard work that the front facing staff undertake for the community."

A spokesperson for Police Scotland said: “East Lothian Community Policing Team have recently been made aware of a number of youths causing anti-social behaviour at Port Seton Community Centre and other locations in Prestonpans.

"Those responsible have been identified and further work alongside the Anti-social Behaviour Team at East Lothian is ongoing."