A COASTGUARD helicopter lifted two teenagers to safety after they became stuck on North Berwick Law yesterday evening.

The alarm was raised at 8.35pm and Coastguard rescue teams from North Berwick, Dunbar and Fisherrow headed to the scene as well as firefighters and police.

A Coastguard helicopter rescued two teenagers from North Berwick Law on Monday evening (Image: David Wigginton)

Pictures and footage shared with the Courier show the stranded pair being rescued by the helicopter. 

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In the footage, a Coastguard worker can be seen abseiling down from the helicopter and helping the teenagers to safety.

David Wigginton, a North Berwick resident, whose kitchen window looks onto the Law, captured the footage, late last night and said that the rescue "proves how vital the Coastguard is, as no other emergency service was getting anywhere near them".

(Image: David Wigginton)

A Coastguard spokesperson, said: "The HM Coastguard search and rescue helicopter from Prestwick lifted to safety two males reported to be stuck on cliffs at North Berwick Law. 

"The alarm was raised at about 8.35pm on October 7. Coastguard rescue teams from North Berwick, Dunbar and Fisherrow attended, as well as Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service."