MORE than half a dozen parking tickets were given to drivers near Dunbar Primary School on Monday morning.

Traffic wardens were outside Hallhill Sports Centre and seven tickets were issued to drivers who had parked illegally.

READ MORE: Parking fines in East Lothian to go up to £100 from April 2023

Some of those who received tickets posted on social media that they were unhappy at being ticketed while dropping off children for school camp, while concerns about this were also raised with Councillor Donna Collins.

The Dunbar and East Linton ward member told the Courier that the issue had been passed on to East Lothian Council’s legal department.

However, the parking tickets were later cancelled after it emerged that legislation required to issue them there had expired.

READ MOREParking tickets issued near Dunbar Primary School cancelled

The car park is regularly used by parents and carers taking their children to both campuses of Dunbar Primary School.

A spokesperson for the local authority said that concerns about illegal parking were regularly highlighted to them by both staff at the schools and also parents and carers.

They said: “Volumes of traffic and inconsiderate parking at school pick-up and drop-off times pose an increased safety risk to both children and parents.

“Parking restrictions, including double yellow lines, are essential measures outside schools to keep children safe.

“Parking on these lines is dangerous and illegal, leaving the driver open to fines and enforcement action.

“Our teams are regularly contacted by headteachers, parent councils and elected members concerned about road safety around schools and requesting support to deal with these matters.

“We therefore committed to visit different schools and monitor this, undertaking enforcement where appropriate.  

“Parking attendants were patrolling the areas around Dunbar Primary School campuses this morning and issued a number of parking charge notices (PCN)s to cars parked illegally on double yellow lines.

“If anyone feels they have been wrongly issued with a PCN, they can challenge this online through our website.”