SCOTTISH Water has thanked the people of Prestonpans after residents reported a bad smell in the town to the company.

Last month, the Courier reported that an unpleasant odour was wafting through parts of the town, with the suspicion that the smell could be coming from Scottish Water's waste pumping plant, located on the B1348 to the west of the town.

However, on contacting Scottish Water, the water company insisted that it was "not aware" of the issue. 

But now, Scottish Water has revealed that is currently "conducting comprehensive investigations" with the use of CCTV of the sewer network. 

READ MORE: Prestonpans: Scottish Water 'not aware' of bad smell

Previously, members of Prestonpans Community Council had shared their concerns about the smell lingering in the town.

Ferhan Ashiq, a member of the group, said: "The stink is absolutely horrendous, it is absolutely disgusting.

"I heard that one of the machines [at the waste pumping plant] had broken down and that is causing the problem." 

Jess Wilson, a fellow community councillor, said: "I went down to the High Street the other day and the smell is absolutely minging."

Previously, a Scottish Water spokesperson had said: "We are not aware of any issues at Prestonpans affecting the normal operation of the asset.

"We take every odour complaint seriously and will investigate each complaint in accordance with our existing procedure."

But this week, a new comment from Scottish Water stated: "We would like to thank our customers in Prestonpans for reporting concerns of odour to us, enabling us to investigate the matter thoroughly.

“We are currently conducting comprehensive investigations, including CCTV surveys of the sewer network, during both low and high tide conditions.

"These assessments are crucial in enhancing our understanding of the Prestonpans sewer system and will help determine if further action is required to address the odour issues affecting the local community.

“Throughout this process, we are also working closely with East Lothian Council to ensure a coordinated approach to resolving the matter."

DJ Johnston-Smith, chair of Prestonpans Community Council, said: "After so many years of residents along the High Street having to put-up with the occasional atrocious odour emanating from unidentified sewers in the area and lingering for days at a time, we welcome the news that Scottish Water and East Lothian Council may, at long last, be close to identifying the cause.

"Given the recent extensive Scottish Government investment made to improve the town's Civic Square, in the hope of encouraging more folks to visit, sit and spend time on the High Street, we can only hope that, once identified, Scottish Water can finally and speedily rectify the problem too."