EAST Lothian Foodbank is set to benefit from a ‘Harvest Goddess’.

Members of North Berwick-based community group Yarn Café have set their sights on helping the charity with their latest fundraising project.

The foodbank, based on Tranent’s Civic Square, has successfully supported nearly 6,000 households across the county in the past year.

Now, Yarn Café members want to do something to help with that effort.

The group will create a 'Harvest Goddess' inspired knitted window display in Chandlers on North Berwick’s High Street for a week from Tuesday.

READ MORE: Foodbank use in East Lothian up 99 per cent in three years

During that time, donations towards the foodbank’s current autumn shopping list will be collected at the shop.

A raffle will also run throughout the week and a competition to guess how many leaves have been knitted for the display.

Elaine Morrison, manager of East Lothian Foodbank, said: "We're delighted to be working with Yarn Café!

“This is such an unusual idea and a great way of shining a spotlight on the work the foodbank does, as well as helping us by collecting donations and raising much-needed funds." 

Yarn Café has members from around the county and further afield, all of whom have contributed to the project. 

The group has previously been involved in projects in support of various local causes, including the North Berwick Harbour Appeal, North Berwick in Bloom and the RNLI.