CONSULTATION events regarding bus services in East Lothian are being held next week.

East Lothian Council is carrying out a survey in a bid to establish where the greatest need is in the county for supported bus services so that it can spend its budget “most effectively”.

A council spokesperson said: “East Lothian Council subsidises some bus services on routes where commercial bus operators would not be able to cover their costs.

“We do this where no alternative route exists and may pay a commercial operator to cover a whole route, or part of a route at a particular time of day, if a need is identified.

“Our transport services team is consulting on its supported buses with a short online questionnaire and a series of drop-in events.”

They added: “It’s an informal space to meet with a member of the transportation services team, find out more about our supported bus services and share views. The officers receive feedback from community councils and groups throughout the year, and those groups are welcome to complete the survey too, but they’re also keen to provide an opportunity to hear from people who may use public transport and particularly those who use supported bus services.

“We’re keen to hear how they feel existing services are performing and where they feel there is a gap. What are they looking for from these services? The team members will be able to help people complete the online survey if they want to or just have a chat about the individual’s experiences.”

The in-person events are: October 1, Bleachingfield, Dunbar, from noon until 1.30pm; October 2, Musselburgh Library, 11am-12.30pm; and October 3, George Johnstone Centre, Tranent, 10am-11.30am.

The consultation closes on October 20.

The online survey is available at