A GARDEN created in memory of a much-loved member of staff at Wallyford Primary School has been enhanced by volunteers from a local church.

Mum-of-two Stacey Johnstone died suddenly at her home in Musselburgh following a brain haemorrhage in October 2019 at the age of 39.

She was a behaviour support officer in the school’s Rainbow Room since it was established in 2011, working alongside children who needed additional emotional and social support.

Stacey was known for her “energy, compassion and love of children”.

READ MOREWallyford Primary School devastated by death of member of staff

After her death, the school created a garden in her memory.

Some American volunteers who were visiting Wallyford Livingroom Church recently were keen to do something for the local community during their time in Wallyford and decided to put in some spadework at the garden.

Their project included having a bit of a clear-out and resetting the pathways, as well as painting a mural with everything from butterflies and bees to hearts, hands and rainbows. They gave a bench a new twist by painting it in the style of a piano and also created bird houses.

The American guests were joined by volunteers from the Livingroom Church and Word of Life, who invited them to Scotland.

The mural was designed by Lina Wang, a member of the Livingroom Church and co-leader of the local art group Art and Soul.

The mural, designed by Lina Wang, a member of the Livingroom Church, which was painted by the volunteers is a colourful addition to the memory garden

The garden will be enjoyed by the school’s eco group and pupils for outdoor learning, led by Sian Howie, additional support needs auxiliary, and Rikki McNeill, pupil support worker.

Carol Agnew, speaking on behalf of the Livingroom Church, said: “We are keen to be a church involved in the community and are grateful to the school for opportunities recently to serve with teams from Northern Ireland and the USA alongside some of our members and an organisation we have connections with called Word of Life.”

She added: “There were various other activities that went on over the two weeks – teaching playground games, Bible stories in the library after school, special nights for our teens groups and music workshops.”

A special service called Try Church, involving teenagers, members of the Livingroom Church and the Rev Mike Watson from St Clement’s and St Ninian’s Church, was held at St Clement’s and St Ninian’s Church, and brought the activities to a close.