DISCUSSIONS around an overhead line connection between a proposed windfarm and a substation in the Lammermuir Hills take place next week.

SP Energy Networks is looking to create a connection between Newlands Hill Wind Energy Hub, which was objected to by members of East Lothian Council’s planning committee earlier this month, and the existing Fallago Rig substation.

The connection would be about six kilometres in length and pass through both East Lothian and the Scottish Borders.

The developers said that “several” routes were considered before the proposed option was identified.

A spokesperson encouraged people to head along to Gifford Village Hall from 3pm to 7.30pm next Friday (October 4).

They said: “We are holding a consultation event to provide you with an opportunity to learn about the scheme, ask questions, and provide us with feedback on the proposal.”

Seventeen turbines are planned for the Newlands Hill Wind Energy Hub, which would be about six kilometres south-east of the county village.

East Lothian Council’s planning committee opposed the scheme and unanimously agreed to object to it.

READ MOREDevelopers 'disappointed' at council objection to wind farm

The Scottish Government’s Energy Consent Unit (ECU) will have the final say on the initiative.