A WALK taking a couple from one end of the country to the other has raised thousands of pounds for charity.

Katie Monk and Indy Kiemel Greene set off from Land's End on May 10 and reached the finish line at John O’Groats 107 days later.

The duo covered about 1,200 miles and raised tens of thousands of pounds for the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust along the way.

Speaking on the penultimate day, Katie, from Pencaitland, told the Courier: “It has been such an incredible adventure.

“We have definitely had some high and low days and it has been so tough.

“Thirty-eight kilometres was our longest day and we have got bags weighing 20-25 kilogrammes.

“It does your feet in but we have dealt with the blisters and a knee injury.

“It has been so tough but so rewarding and the kindness of the people we have met along the way has been incredible.

“We have been taken in by strangers, been fed, had nice warm beds and everything and raised almost £14,000 for the trust, which is just incredible.”

Since then, the fundraising total has increased further – now sitting at more than £21,000.

Twenty-year-old Katie is studying ecology and conservation at the University of St Andrews, while Indy, from Sherwood Forest, volunteers with the RSPB.

The idea of doing something for the Scottish charity came about at the beginning of last year before several months of planning, complete with maps and spreadsheets.

Katie highlighted that the weather had been challenging at times but added: “It has been really cold and wet but, for us, it is much nicer walking in the cool than walking in blistering heat!”

The route included a major detour via the islands off Scotland’s west coast, including stopping off at the charity’s visitor centre on the Isle of Mull.

Katie picked out camping at a picturesque beach on the Isle of Harris as among the highlights.

The former Pencaitland Primary School pupil said: “There is a beach called Seilebost and it looks just like the Bahamas!”

Alison Lomax, director of the charity, thanked Katie and Indy for their efforts over the summer.

She said: “The remarkable challenge Katie and Indy set themselves is testament to their passion and determination.

"Everyone at HWDT are in awe of what Katie and Indy have achieved this summer.

“The incredible effort that they have put into this challenge – walking for three months and 15 days to raise awareness and funds for marine conservation – is truly inspiring.

“We are blown away with the incredible amount they have raised for HWDT.

“Thank you to everyone who has donated and driven these two wonderful people forward on this unbelievable journey.”

To make a donation, go to gofundme.com/f/marine-miles-walking-the-country-in-support-of-hwdt