A COMMUNITY group which has been operating for more than 10 years has been forced to fold due to dwindling numbers.

Haddington East Tenants and Residents Association (HETRA) has been involved in a number of projects in the town, including improving the park at Seggarsdean and a mental health peer support group.

Members of the group have been working hard to find new members but broke the news on Monday that they were having to step back.

A spokesperson for HETRA said: “It is with great disappointment that, despite campaigning, the third and final attempt at an AGM once again failed to meet quorum and so those present voted unanimously to dissolve HETRA.

“All the postholders and members present stepped down from their posts, effective immediately, and all documentation relevant to the Haddington East Tenants and Residents Association is being returned to East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel (ELTRP) so that they will have the necessary information should there be any drive to reconstitute HETRA in the future.”

The documentation includes ongoing projects, such as the potential replacement of the Riverside Bridge and proposed improvements at Abbots View, as well as the addition of a buggy/mobility aide friendly entrance to Seggarsdean Park.

Other projects include concerns about speeding near the junction of Traprain Terrace and Dunbar Road and the Church Street crossing. 

The spokesperson added: “The chair thanked everyone for their participation in HETRA.

“It is felt by all that the TRA cannot continue to function without a fully constituted committee, nor could it represent the entirety of Haddington east tenants and residents with such a small group, the majority of whom are residents.”