JACOBITES and Redcoats locked horns once more at the weekend, as this year's re-enactment of the Battle of Prestonpans re-enactment was declared "one of the best yet" by organisers. 

Occurring once every three years, the re-enactment of the famous engagement sees a historical reconstruction of the first battle of the last Jacobite uprising in 1745, when Bonnie Prince Charlie's army defeated Redcoat forces loyal to King George II.

On Saturday and Sunday, the event saw about 2,000 spectators making their way to the Greenhills from "far-and-wide", with tourists from as far as the USA adding the event to their travels. 

READ MORE: Battle of Prestonpans re-enactment 2024: What's on at event

Lead organiser Dr Arran Johnston said: "We were absolutely delighted the event went so well and it had a fantastic turnout.

"It has to be one of the best yet, and considering around 2,000 people from far-and-wide made their way to a murky-weathered Prestonpans, we did pretty extraordinary. 

"I heard that we had locals, people from Edinburgh and the north of England, and even tourists from the United States including our re-enactment in their holiday plans." 

The events involved military drill displays, cannon fire demonstrations and an impressive display of horsemanship and mounted skill-at-arms. There were also children’s crafts, a fun ‘Junior Jacobites’ training session, and an exhibition about the battle held in the main marquee.

The event was hosted by two charities, the Battle of Prestonpans (1745) Heritage Trust and the Scottish Battlefields Trust, whose main goal is to raise awareness and understanding of the battle’s importance.

The Battle of Prestonpans re-enactment occurs every three years, with the next planned for 2027, which coincides with the 20th anniversary of the first re-enactment of the battle. 

On social media, Battle of Prestonpans 1745 Heritage Trust said: "As the smoke of battle clears, we would like to say a HUGE 'thank you' to everybody who came along to support our battle weekend.

"The event takes a great deal of work, energy and money to put on, but seeing so many people enjoying their visit makes it all worthwhile.

"If you attended the event, please consider completing this short survey to help inform future planning."

The survey can be completed here

More information on the Battle of Prestonpans can be found here