A BRIDGE over the East Coast Main Line is on track to open by the middle of next year.

Work on a bridge and diversionary road to replace Markle Level Crossing got under way in March.

In the last 15 years, at least two people have been killed on the crossing, which was previously described as one of Scotland’s “highest-risk public road level crossings”.

Discussions between East Lothian Council, Transport Scotland and Network Rail about the possibility of closing the crossing permanently and creating the bridge took place over more than a decade.

READ MOREBridge to be created to replace level crossing at Markle

A spokesperson for East Lothian Council confirmed that work was well under way on the scheme, which is expected to cost about £12.5 million.

Work on a replacement bridge at Markle, which has been served by a level crossing, is well under way (Image: Copyright M J Richardson and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence)

They said: “We’re pleased with the progress that is being made on the new bridge over the East Coast Main Line at Markle to replace the current level crossing.

“One third of the construction phase involving the majority of earthworks and drainage is complete.

“The next steps will see the construction of the abutments and placing of bridge beams across the railway line, which will give an indication of the size and scale of the bridge.

“Landscaping will also begin around the approaches to the embankments and continue throughout the project, particularly during the seeding and planting season.

“This is a complex engineering and construction process due to its proximity to a busy, live rail route.

“The project, which is fully funded by Scottish Government, is a collaboration between ourselves, Transport Scotland and Network Rail, with Balfour Beatty undertaking the works.

“It is due to open to vehicles mid-2025.”