THE "amazing efforts" of the local community have been lauded following the restoration of North Berwick's harbour wall.

On Friday, North Berwick Harbour Trust re-opened the harbour walkway following the end of the project to reinstate the stricken harbour wall.

The wall, which was damaged by storms in October last year, was rebuilt over five months by Southbay Civil Engineering Ltd.

The damaged harbour wall before it was repaired (Image: Isla Aitken)

The harbour trust said that it was thrilled to have fully reopened the town’s harbour walkway following the completion of the harbour wall restoration some days earlier.

The harbour wall mended (Image: Isla Aitken)

Andrew Duns, treasurer of North Berwick Harbour Trust, told the Courier: "We are delighted to have been able to reopen the walkway and to see the wall completed and the harbour repaired and restored.

READ MORE: Woman's ashes poured into rebuilt harbour wall

“It’s been an amazing effort from all of the community and the support from everyone has enabled all of the work to be completed.

"It’s been humbling for the harbour trust to have so much brilliant support in terms of effort, money and moral support, and shows how important the harbour is to all of the local community.”

Funding for the repairs came from East Lothian Council, the Marine Directorate, North Berwick Trust, North Berwick Harbour Trust, and a Justgiving page which saw members of the public donate £42,783.

The Southbay Civil Engineering Ltd team return the benches to the walkway (Image: North Berwick Harbour Trust)

Mr Duns added: “It’s a great example of where we work together, we can complete great things.

"I have no doubts without all the community support and donations we would not have been able to gain the momentum to get the repair started in April and completed in September.

The repaired harbour wall (Image: North Berwick Harbour Trust)

"So a special thanks to all our helpers and the community for the support and patience.”

READ MORE: Huge hole punched in harbour wall

In addition to repairing the main wall, Southbay Civil Engineering also carried out a range of repairs in the wider harbour area, including replacing and repairing the older wedges, resetting the rock armour, improving drainage, repairing walkways and electrics, and strengthening the walkway to Galloway’s Pier.

Mr Duns added: “We have done all we can to prepare the harbour for this winter and any future storms, and whilst we still have worries about other parts of the outer walls, we are confident we have done all we can with the support we have.

Benches and planters are returned to the harbour area (Image: North Berwick Harbour Trust)

“We know there is still a lot to do, and concerns remain for the outer walls, and we look forward to ongoing support to improve those in the coming years.

“We still have some works planned, and work will continue with repairs to The Granary wall over the next few months, in a joint effort from the residents and the harbour trust.”

North Berwick Harbour Trust is set to hold further public meetings next month to give more detailed accounts of all the work and spending, and to explain the next steps and future priorities.

To find out more, see the North Berwick Harbour Trust Facebook page.