A HOTEL is threatening to make public CCTV footage of customers who "dined and dashed" without paying their £70 bill.

Dean Ivinson, owner of the Ravelston House Hotel, North High Street, said three ladies and a child visited the restaurant at about 12.30pm on Wednesday.

He explained that they ordered starters, main courses and drinks and, when they were finished, left the restaurant one by one while staff were distracted by other customers.

The food eaten included chicken Balmoral and haggis bonbons.

"We have these people very clearly on CCTV and even their car registration which was in our car park," said Mr Ivinson.

He added: "We are a small, independent business and £70 is someone's wages for that day. The food was half price as every Wednesday we have half-price Wednesday at the hotel.

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"Even with that great deal, they still didn't pay. It's not a major crime but things are so tough for everyone. We are the only hotel in Musselburgh and are trying to provide a service and employ local people. It's annoying when things like this happen."

He said: "Everyone can make mistakes and we gave them the benefit of the doubt and thought they might realise they had not paid the £70 bill and come back to pay over the weekend."

The hotel has never experienced such behaviour before.

It posted on social media: "If the ladies do not get in touch we will post the CCTV online and contact the police."

The hotel can be contacted at enquiries@ravelstonhouse.co.uk or on 0131 665 2478.