A CHANCE to get up close with Scotland’s only Concorde free of charge is being offered this weekend.

The National Museum of Flight is part of Doors Open Days programme on Saturday and Sunday.

The museum, at East Fortune, is one of the UK’s best-preserved Second World War airfields and includes four historic wartime aircraft hangars, packed with displays telling the stories of military and civil aviation over the past century.

Steve McLean, general manager, was looking forward to welcoming visitors.

He said: “We’re delighted to open the National Museum of Flight for free as part of Doors Open Days.

“The weekend offers a fantastic opportunity to discover some of Scotland's finest heritage sites and hidden historic treasures, and we hope visitors old and new will enjoy exploring everything we have to offer in East Fortune.” 

The museum is not only home to Scotland’s only Concorde but visitors can also see an example of the iconic Supermarine Spitfire that played such an important role in the Second World War.

Doors Open Days is part of European Heritage Days and is supported by Historic Environment Scotland.

The festival, which offers free access to buildings and events across Scotland, returns to Edinburgh and East Lothian on Saturday and Sunday with an in-person and online programme.  

Advance booking at the National Museum of Flight over the Doors Open Days weekend is required.

For more information and to book, go to nms.ac.uk/flight