AN APPEAL will be lodged against a decision to turn down plans for three houses on the outskirts of Elphinstone.

East Lothian Council’s planning committee turned down Carol Auld’s proposals for three homes on the village’s western edge earlier this month.

The refusal comes at the same time as Bellway Homes is working on 90 new homes on the opposite side of the B6414, with plans for a further 111 properties to the north of that site.

The planning committee was split on Mrs Auld’s proposals, which were described as a “truly local project for local people supporting a local business”.

Tony Thomas, who was representing the applicant, confirmed to the Courier that work would soon start on the appeal.

READ MORE: Plans for three homes on edge of Elphinstone turned down

He said: “We were very disappointed with the decision and how the committee went.

“We will be appealing the decision.”

Planning officials had recommended the proposals be turned down as they were deemed “new build housing development in the countryside”.

Labour councillors Andy Forrest, John McMillan, Norman Hampshire and Colin Yorkston were joined by Greens councillor Shona McIntosh in rejecting the scheme.

With the vote then tied, Mr Hampshire had the casting vote as convener of the planning committee.