THE family of a Prestonpans man who tragically lost his life on a fishing trip are hosting a charity football match to mark five years since his death.

Kieran Cowan was just 23 when the boat he was in with two friends on August 17, 2019, capsized after the weather turned.

The other two men in the boat swam to an island and raised the alarm but rescuers were unable to save Kieran.

READ MOREFamily of dad-to-be Kieran Cowan pay tribute to him after his body is found

At the time of his death, Kieran was due to be a father, and his daughter Sofia-Grace was born four months later.

Kieran’s brother Jordan and their cousin Patrick both from Prestonpans, are organising two events in his memory.

Patrick said: “This is the third year we’re running it, and we raise money for a different charity every year.

“We wanted to make this one extra special with it being five years since Kieran died.”

On Sunday, a football match will see the cousins’ teams face each other once again.

Jordan said on social media: "As per every year, we would be grateful for all your support, and welcome you along to watch middle-aged pretenders who think they can still kick a ball around a pitch."

The match will kick off at 2pm at Pennypit Park, home of Preston Athletic, who will also have the clubhouse open for all spectators to use.

Everyone is invited to attend the event and raise money for the cause. All funds will be donated to Cash for Kids and there will be additional collection buckets at the gate.

Next Saturday (September 28), a charity fundraiser night is taking place at Royal Musselburgh Golf Club from 7pm.

Entertainment is provided by Jack Robertson and local radio presenter Davie Martin, and the ticket includes a buffet.

Last year's events were a major success, raising a total of £2,800 for Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity.

Tickets are priced at £10 and can be bought by messaging Jordan Cowan or Patrick McLaren on Facebook.