PLANS to extend the car park and improve access at Dunbar Railway Station have been “shelved for the foreseeable future”.

Discussions about increasing the number of parking spaces while also creating a pedestrian access to the southern platform have been ongoing for a number of years.

However, Rail Action Group, East of Scotland (RAGES) broke the bad news that the proposals had stalled.

The group’s latest newsletter states: “The much talked about car park extension and access to the station from the southern side of the town have both been shelved for the foreseeable future, despite campaigning by RAGES and Dunbar Community Council to have them completed.

“Network Rail stated that, while it was supportive of the ideas, there was no funding for these projects.

“The population of Dunbar continues to grow and these initiatives are seen as key to promoting rail use.

“The station car park is regularly full, causing commuters to park their cars in the streets around the station.

“Since then, East Lothian Council have applied for funding to deliver access to the station from the south side of the town.”

READ MOREHopes of extension to station’s car park dashed

Currently, people walking or cycling to the station have to first go to the northern platform.

Then, they can use the bridge to cross back over the East Coast Main Line to the southern platform, which was opened at the end of 2019.

Pippa Swan, chairwoman of the town’s community council, said that extending the car park would “pull” rail customers back to the station.

That would then ease pressure on neighbouring streets, which are often lined with cars as people then walk to the station.

Similarly, she was keen to see progress made on a pedestrian connection from the southern side of the line to the newer platform.

She said: “Our view was that if we made it very, very simple and enjoyable to approach the station from the south side then lots more people would come to the station on bike and park up rather than bringing cars round to the north platform.

“In terms of active travel, it is short-sighted not to do that piece of work.”

During the financial year of 2022/23, more than 300,000 people were estimated to have used the station.