THE Musselburgh Artists Open Studio initiative has been rebranded Musselburgh Creates to reflect expansion into additional events.

The open studio weekend, launched last year and during which local artists and craftspeople display their work in venues ranging from their own homes to church halls, takes place each summer.

“We decided to rebrand Musselburgh Artists Open Studios to reflect our expansion into additional events but still with the intention of promoting and celebrating creative talent in Musselburgh,” said Nancy Bryce, who, along with Jacky Thow, organises the initiative.

She said: “To incorporate as wide a range of creativity as possible, we came up with Musselburgh Creates.

“We are at the planning stage for an art, design and makers’ market at the Fisherrow Centre on Saturday, November 23.

“In addition, we hope to organise another plein air (open air) painting competition for spring 2025, as well as an open studios event in the summer.

“Our social media has been updated with the new identity and we are looking forward to promoting and discovering creative talent in Musselburgh.”