A SUPERSTAR teenager is doing her town proud by donating many hours of her time to volunteering for local causes.

Eva Knox, 17, is a pupil at Ross High School and was recently recognised for her incredible volunteering efforts across many community projects in Tranent.

Since she was nine years old, Eva has she has been a steward for Walk With Scott, and as recognition of her contribution, she was awarded this year’s ‘Scotter of the Year’ award, alongside her aunt Paula Waugh.

Paul Reynolds, headteacher at the school, said: “We at Ross High are so proud of Eva and all she has done for the whole community. 

“We would like to publicly congratulate her on this award, which she so richly deserves.”

Eva won the award alongside her aunt Paula

Eva has also volunteered with Tranent Gala committee, assisting with rehearsals, and previously the Winter Wonderland fundraising fairs that took place until a few years ago.

St Martin's Women’s Guild has also benefitted from Eva’s kindness, assisting at various fundraising events throughout the year alongside her mum and her sister Freya.

In 2020, Eva’s aunt Paula helped organise 'Santa Tours of Tranent' to spread some joy at a time when children were unable to see Santa due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Eva became the 'Satnav Elf' along with her sister, guiding Santa around the streets of Tranent, Ormiston, New Winton, Pencaitland and Macmerry. This year will be their fifth Christmas tour.

READ MORE: Santa tour a success

Together, they have also helped to organise two Christmas fundraising events for local charities, including SANDS and the Polson Park garden project.

Eva has previously volunteered with her grandma as with Tranent Wombles, collecting litter with her cousins around Tranent.

Eva has also assisted her aunt with Dementia Friendly Tranent Garden of Reflection by giving up her free time to help keep it tidy in Polson Park.

Eva Knox (Image: Contributed)

Paula said: “Her dedication to all these charities and the work she’s done is amazing, considering she is just 17 years old and has done all this work in our community.

“I feel her being recognised within the community and getting the Scotter of the Year award is such an achievement.

“I am so proud of her, not just because she is my niece, but because all her work in the community has benefited so many people.

“The best thing about Eva is she doesn’t do all the volunteering for praise – she does it because she genuinely wants to help people.”