A GALLERY owner has been left unsure when she will be able to reopen her business after “a tidal wave” of water swept through the premises.

Work was being carried out on a flat above Found on Dunbar High Street at the end of last month.

However, it is understood that a water pipe was damaged and water then made its way into the properties below, including the gallery.

Four weeks on and Amy Christie, from the gallery, is no further forward in finding out when customers could be coming back through the doors.

She said: “The biggest concern is we did as best as we could to save as much stock as we could.

“We are going through that, assessing that, for the loss adjustors.

“The bigger concern is the actual state of the building.

“It needs to be completely refitted – it is a mess.

“The floor needs to come up, lighting is gone, it is certainly not in a position to trade until it is firstly made safe and also refitted.”

'Huge concern'

The gallery, which celebrates the best of British arts and crafts, with a focus on local artists, has been part of the town centre for more than a decade.

It is run by Amy along with her husband Simon Glover.

There are three flats above the gallery and it is understood that at least one of the premises was occupied while the works were carried out.

Amy has been in discussions with East Lothian Council, which she rents the shop from, about when work could be carried out to restore the building to a useable condition.

She said: “Every day that goes past, I am losing money, which is a huge concern to a small business in challenging times on the High Street.

“I’m very keen to expedite the process and get back open as soon as possible.”

The issue was also discussed at a meeting of Dunbar Community Council last Monday, when Councillor Norman Hampshire, who represents the town on East Lothian Council, of which he is leader, vowed to look into the matter.

A spokesperson for the local authority said: “Damage to a water main in flats above Found gallery on Dunbar High Street led to localised flooding within the building.

“We responded quickly to this situation, working with our contractor to ensure the water supply was stopped and that steps were taken to minimise damage to affected properties.

“Dehumidifiers are now in place to assist in drying these areas.

“Insurers have been notified and we are working closely with all parties to resolve matters as quickly as possible.”