FORMER undisputed world boxing champion Josh Taylor returned to his former school on Tuesday to spend time with pupils and take part in a question-and-answer session. 

The boxing star, who is originally from Prestonpans, attended Preston Lodge High School as a pupil and was put under the spotlight on his return as he faced questions from S1 pupils. 

Split into two sessions, during his time back at his former secondary school Josh also gave a masterclass in how to throw a jab, took pictures with different classes and even sparred with five pupils who were brave enough to take him on one-on-one in front of their peers.

READ MORE: Boxing champion Josh Taylor given Freedom of East Lothian

The Courier went along to Preston Lodge High School to attend and, after Josh was unveiled to the pupils, a roar went up from the youngsters... but then it was down to some hard questions. 

Josh, who was in Grange house during his time at the school, was asked a number of tough questions from the pupils at Preston Lodge. 

The first question posed left the audience in stitches as a pupil asked: "Do you get your hair cut at the House of Murph?"

The House of Murph, located on Prestonpans High Street, is owned by Josh's wife Danielle Taylor; it opened in 2022. 

Talking through his laughter, Josh replied: "No, unfortunately not, that is my wife's shop and I don't go in because I don't like her cutting my hair, she always makes a mess of it, but don't tell her that!"

READ MORE: Danielle Taylor opens House of Murph hair and beauty salon in Prestonpans

His next question saw him asked: "Where is the favourite place you have been in a fight?"

Josh replied: "There have been a few places but I'll probably say New York. 

"I went to New York and I fought in Madison Square Garden in front of a lot of people, but unfortunately I lost that fight, but it is a favourite venue of mine." 

READ MORE: Josh Taylor loses world title to Teofimo Lopez

A pupil from the back shouted his question, asking: "Why did you come back to Preston Lodge?"

Josh's response was: "Because this is where I grew up and I like to give back to the community, and getting to talk to young guys because you obviously have got a lot of questions. 

"I like to give back and hopefully give you some good advice, and it's good to see all the young faces, as it brings back a lot of memories."

And one pupil even asked Josh: "Have you fought with any women?"

In response, Josh joked: "No, except for my wife a couple of times, but she always wins!"

The S1s had Josh in for their 'Untold Stories' module of the home rooms, which sees the first-years take part in 11 periods a week of supportive framework classes, readying pupils for the complexities of secondary school education. 

On returning to his former school, Josh told the Courier: "For one, it made me feel a little bit older. I had a few kids coming up to me telling me that their mums or dads had been in my year at school. 

"But it was great being back telling them a little bit more about myself and connecting with the community, and it was good for myself to come in and spend time with the pupils.

"They got to ask questions about my boxing and I am really looking forward to working with Preston Lodge in the future to keep kids on the right track and all."