A MUSSELBURGH man caught driving a vehicle with more than four times the allowed limit for cocaine in his system has been banned from the road.

Richard Moore was found to have 43mg of the Class A drug per litre of blood when police officers stopped him on Newbigging in Musselburgh on April 4. The legal limit is 10mg.

Moore, 34, was also found to have 276g of the drug benzoylecgonine per litre of blood during the same incident. The limit for that drug is 50mg, making him more than five-and-a-half times over the limit.

During the stop, officers also ascertained that Moore, of Whitehill Gardens, was driving the vehicle while only holding a provisional licence and not displaying any L plates.

He was also found not to have any valid insurance for the vehicle.

Moore pleaded guilty to all charges by letter and sentence was deferred for social work reports and his personal appearance at Edinburgh Sheriff Court to last Tuesday.

Sheriff Francis Gill disqualified Moore from driving for 13 months and four days, and told him that he must carry out 60 hours of unpaid work in the community within the next six months.

The sheriff also admonished Moore on the charges of driving while only having a provisional licence and not displaying L plates.