A PRESTONPANS man has appeared in court after he tried to walk home from Edinburgh along the railway line.

Edinburgh Sheriff Court was told that Steven Moffat had been in the Capital and decided to make the journey back to East Lothian by walking along the railway tracks.

Moffat was soon spotted and, after police had been alerted to his presence, he was arrested and charged with trespassing on property belonging to Network Rail.

The 32-year-old pleaded guilty to the offence when he appeared in the dock at the city centre court last week.

Sheriff Stewart warned the offender, of the town’s High Street, of his future behaviour and granted him an admonition.

Moffat admitted trespassing on land belonging to Network Rail Ltd and in dangerous proximity to railway lines, despite clear signs displaying warnings not to enter the tracks, at Waverley train station, Edinburgh, on September 20 last year.