A MUSSELBURGH man has avoided being placed on the sex offenders' register, despite admitting to a charge of indecent exposure.

Douglas Cowie was spotted exposing his genitals and committing a solo sex act while in a state of undress in a stairwell in Portobello earlier this year.

Cowie, of Inveresk Road, did not know he was being observed by a resident of the block of flats but was reported to the police following the incident on April 13.

He was later identified and arrested, and appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court to plead guilty to the offence last month.

Cowie, 54, was back in the dock for sentencing last week, where Sheriff Stewart decided not to add his name to the register as there was no intent for anyone else to view the sexual act.

Cowie was placed on a supervision order for two years and told he must complete 140 hours of unpaid work in the community.

He was also ordered to pay the woman who saw him perform the solo sex act a compensation fee of £500.