STEPS are being taken to ensure a village hall in its 140th year remains in place for “years to come”.

Plans have been drawn up to upgrade aspects of Aberlady Village Hall to ensure that it continues to be central to the village.

A show and tell event took place in the village last month to allow residents to look at the proposals.

Among the developments proposed are the installation of a solar array with battery storage, insulation to the roof and the replacement of the existing outer storm doors.

Inside, the kitchen and toilet facilities would be “reconfigured and upgraded” to allow for “a moderate increase to community and external activity”.

The building, off the village’s Sea Wynd, was built as the headquarters for the 4th (Aberlady) Corps of the Haddingtonshire Rifle Volunteers in 1884.

A design statement included with the application reads: “Aberlady Village Hall is in need of significant improvements to secure its future as a central part of the community.

“The objectives of this improvement project are to create a safe, secure and well-functioning space for community use, to provide a well-equipped venue that can generate income through regular community events and private bookings like weddings and parties, and to maintain the character of the building while upgrading and enhancing its facilities.”

The improvements are broken down into three areas: building fabric improvements to ensure it is wind and watertight, improving the energy efficiency, and “comfort and safety enhancements”.

Changes to the layout of the building would include the relocation of the male toilets to an area currently used for storage.

That would allow the kitchen to increase in size, while there are also plans for more accessible storage.

The design statement concludes: “This proposal presents a solid business case for the hall’s renovation.

“By making these essential enhancements, the community can maintain the hall’s high usage rate (296 days in 2022) and secure its future viability.

“The improved facilities will generate additional income from a broader range of events, such as weddings, which will support the hall’s ongoing maintenance and sustainability.”