RENEWABLE energy projects were the topic of discussion at a conference in Tranent last month.

Paul McLennan, East Lothian MSP, arranged and hosted the event for its second year at The Fraser Centre.

The East Lothian Energy Conference 2024 was attended by 50 participants with varied interest in the development of renewable energy projects in the county.

The annual conference is an in-person extension of the East Lothian Energy Forum, established by Mr McLennan in 2021, which meets online quarterly to discuss emerging local opportunities in the sector and any arising challenges caused by energy developments in the county.

Guests were given insight into East Lothian Council’s Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES) and heard updates on two ongoing renewable developments in the county.

They also learned about local and national developments in tackling skills shortages, addressing issues in supply and manufacturing, and ongoing discussions about the distribution of community benefits.

Mr McLennan, a former leader of East Lothian Council, called the event a “huge success” and looks forward to hosting the next conference in 2025.

He said: “Organising such a large event as an MSP’s office can be a difficult task, but seeing the room filled with people from across the renewables industry, community members, local businesses, council colleagues and other interested parties made it all worthwhile.

“It’s clear to me we have a shared vision in East Lothian.

"As a forum, we know the opportunities that renewables offer and want East Lothian to enjoy the rewards of this, without leaving anyone behind."

Anyone interested in joining the East Lothian Energy Forum can do so by emailing Mr McLennan’s office at

The next online meeting will take place before the end of the year.