A CHARITY which will toast its 40th anniversary next month has been praised in the Scottish Parliament.

Can Do is having a fundraising ceilidh in Dunbar on October 5.

The good cause, which is described as “a place where disabilities don’t matter, but where special needs are met and expectations exceeded”, was highlighted by South Scotland MSP Martin Whitfield.

His motion has been backed by more than a dozen Holyrood colleagues, including Musselburgh MSP Colin Beattie.

READ MORE: Can Do marking 40th anniversary with special fundraiser

It reads: “That the Parliament congratulates the East Lothian charity Can Do on reaching its 40th anniversary; notes that the much-loved, parent-led group provides an annual programme of activities for children and young people with disabilities in the area, including school holiday play schemes, term-time weekly youth clubs, residential weekends and family fun days; understands that, to mark the anniversary, a fundraising ceilidh is taking place on October 5, 2024, at the Harbour Chapel in Dunbar; commends all of the staff, volunteers and service users who have been associated with Can Do over the last 40 years on the commitment and hard work that it has taken to reach this significant milestone; and wishes them every success with their anniversary event and the charity's future activity.”