GREEN-FINGERED volunteers’ success has been recognised in the Scottish Parliament.

Blooming Haddington returned from the Beautiful Scotland Awards in Aberdeen last week with four prizes.

The group came home with the Medium Town Award, the David Welch Memorial Award for Something Special (for Amisfield Walled Garden), the Haddington 700 Award (for St Mary’s Pleasance) and also received a gold certificate.

READ MOREBlooming Haddington clinch four prizes at Beautiful Scotland awards

Craig Hoy and Martin Whitfield, South Scotland MSPs, both submitted motions in Edinburgh to highlight the achievements.

Mr Hoy, who previously represented the Haddington and Lammermuir ward on East Lothian Council, submitted a motion which welcomed “Blooming Haddington’s contribution to the town through the work of people of all ages and abilities who care deeply about keeping their town looking beautiful by maintaining over 120 hanging baskets in the summer months, and planters and tattie boxes dotted around the town centre”.

The motion also recognised the “enormous amount of hard work that goes into keeping Haddington looking exceptional”.

Mr Whitfield recognised Blooming Haddington and also a number of other groups in the south of Scotland, including Aberlady in Bloom, Dunbar in Bloom and North Berwick in Bloom, which all received Certificates of Recognition.