MUSIC, stalls, crafts, flowers and much more are promised at a special fundraiser.

Members of St Mary's Parish Church are gearing up for the annual Martinmas Fair.

Now, congregation members at the Haddington church are encouraging people to put November 16 in their diary.

A spokesperson for the event said: “We always try to put the ‘fun’ in fundraising but this year we would like to explore how we promote, organise, set up and run the fair, to maximise the opportunity to welcome folk into St Mary’s and raise money for its future upkeep.”

A call has also been made for volunteers to come forward to ensure that the event runs smoothly.

The spokesperson added: “We need a large team of volunteers to help.

“We need people to move furniture and chairs and help set up the tables for the stalls, and take down and replace at the end.

“We need volunteers to get the posters and fliers out.

“We need stallholders.”

And it is not just on the day that people can do their bit to help out.

The spokesperson added: “We need people to welcome folks to the church, bake cakes for the café, wait on tables, make teas and coffees, and make or donate items for the stalls – jams, chutneys, bric-a-brac, second-hand books, crafts, cards, garden produce, plant cuttings, dried seed heads – anything we can sell to raise funds for St Mary’s.”