PIPERS will lead the funeral cortege for well-known Haddington businessman Joe Forte tomorrow (Friday).

Mr Forte, who died last Monday following an illness, ran Joe Forte Sports on the town’s High Street for more than 35 years before shutting up shop in the summer of 2021.

READ MORETributes are paid to Haddington's Joe Forte after his death

The former footballer, who played for Hibernian, Berwick Rangers, Meadowbank Thistle and Ormiston Primrose, was also a key figure in the formation of Blooming Haddington and previously chaired Haddington and District Business Association.

Mr Forte, 65, was also a founding member of HELP (Haddington East Lothian Pacemakers), which would go on to become Haddington Running Club.

His family’s connection with the town stretches back even further, with his mum and dad running Forte Cafe for more than 20 years before the sports shop opened.

When Mr Forte retired three years ago, colleagues from throughout the town centre were on hand to wish him well and offer presents.

His funeral takes place tomorrow (Friday) at St Mary’s Parish Church, Haddington, at 11.30am.

Once the cortege leaves the church, it will be led by Haddington Pipe Band, of which Mr Forte was an honorary member, before going along Sidegate, High Street and Market Street.