A DUNBAR fisherman who was involved in a long-running dispute with his neighbours will be sentenced next year.

Przemslaw Handrysiak made racial comments and played loud music from his property after he had been ordered not to by a previously imposed court order.

One occasion saw Handrysiak attend at his neighbours’ Summerfield Road home and spray cleaning products on their landing and make racial remarks on April 2 last year.

He then acted in a racially aggravated manner by shouting racially offensive remarks at the couple four months later on August 1.

The 46-year-old then breached a court anti-social behaviour order (ASBO) imposed in April 28, 2022, that prohibited him from shouting, screaming, singing and playing loud music that could be heard outwith his property.

Handrysiak breached the order when he was found to have played music at excessive levels for prolonged periods of time on September 3 last year.

Edinburgh Sheriff Court was previously told that Handrysiak used to work as a food processing plant manager but had to give up that employment up due to an industrial accident.

Lawyer Peter Barr said that Handrysiak was currently working as a fisherman on a boat out of Dunbar and a social work letter stated that he now had good relationships with his current neighbours.

The court was told that the neighbours Handrysiak had issues with had since moved away from the area.

Sentence was deferred to February.