A PENSIONER who repeatedly exposed himself and watched men urinate in public toilets has been jailed.

Robert Cockburn, 77, also maliciously smeared faeces on the walls of a public toilet and exposed his genitals at a dental clinic in Prestonpans.

Cockburn had previously been jailed and placed on an anti-social behaviour order (ASBO) at Edinburgh Sheriff Court following separate similar offences last year.

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The ASBO banned Cockburn from entering any public toilet within East Lothian apart from when he needed to use the disabled facilities, and told him he must not expose himself or urinate or defecate for no good reason.

But following his release from prison, Cockburn began to breach the court ASBO by entering the public toilets on Links Road in Port Seton.

One occasion saw him sit on the toilet in a state of undress while keeping the door open so that members of the public could see him.

A second incident at the same location saw Cockburn, of the village's Links View, smear faeces on the walls of the public convenience on July 7.

READ MORERobert Cockburn smeared faeces on public toilet walls

He was arrested on the same day and, after spending the night in custody, he appeared at the Capital court to admit the offence the following day.

Over the next four weeks ,Cockburn committed further offences at public toilets at Edinburgh Waverley train station and exposing himself to members of the public on Musselburgh High Street.

He also exposed himself to others at a dental practice in Prestonpans on July 31.

Cockburn pleaded guilty to a total of 13 offences, including breaches of bail, at a court hearing in Edinburgh last month and sentence was deferred for the possibility of the pensioner being admitted to a care home.

On Friday, Sheriff Roderick Flinn was told that, despite strenuous efforts to relocate Cockburn, there was no indication that a care home was willing to accept him as a resident.

Sheriff Flinn said that he had no option but to impose a custodial sentence and Cockburn was jailed for a total of eight months across all charges.

Cockburn was also placed on the sex offenders' register for 10 years.